We believe in free people, free markets and free enterprise. People and economies flourish when all people retain as much of their hard-earned income as possible, to spend and invest as they see fit.
All people have the right to reach their maximum potential, which will be the natural result of hard work, individual effort, and dedication to a purpose which you alone have the right to decide.
Limited Government
Low taxes are the result of low spending; that government has a moral obligation to the people to be as cost effective as possible, to always limit spending and growth of government, and to cut spending and cost of government at every possible turn.
We believe in the founding principle that all people are created equal, endowed by our Creator with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These rights should be unimpeded by intrusive government regulation and control.
We believe that the 2nd Amendment is in a position of prominence with the intent that law-abiding citizens of the United States of America have a right to protect and defend their lives, their families and their property without government
infringement. The 2nd Amendment protects all our other rights and serves as a counter balance to the rise of government tyranny.
Fun Facts
You might be a Republican and not even realize it.
You might think you’re a Democrat simply because it’s what you’ve always been but you might be surprised to learn that you’re really one of us.
You love America
If you love America and believe that Western Civilization (especially America) has been an incredible force for good in the world, you might be a Republican.
You think it’s your money
If you believe that you deserve to keep what you earn and that you are taxed enough already, you might be a Republican.
You prefer law and order over chaos
If you support our military and police, and believe that your “right to carry” shall not be infringed, you might be a Republican.
Less Government is better
If you believe that your freedom is greater when Government’s reach (into your life) is limited, you might be a Republican.
You Embrace Diversity
If you believe that tolerance for alternative viewpoints is as important as tolerance for skin color and think the most important type of diversity is diversity of ideas, you might be a Republican.
You care about the environment
If you take good care of the environment which you control and expect others to do so too, you might be a Republican.
You’re not convinced that redistributing wealth from the rich nations to the poor ones would produce a marginal difference in CO2, or global temperatures.
Latest news
We regularly post news about what’s going on with Republicans in Portsmouth NH
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Help elect Republicans
Our primary mission is to help get Republicans into office.
Defend conservative values
When liberals write letters to the editor or or propose bylaws/rules which we disagree with, we use facts and logic to try to win hearts and change minds.
Have fun
We don’t just sit around and complain to each other, we also know how to have a good time. (Unlike some of those other parties)
What we do
Do you wonder what the role of city/town level Republican committees is?